

To enable students to understand that there are common elements in all transitions, so reflecting on one transition can help students prepare for the next.


Students can learn from their experience of the primary to secondary school transition and so prepare themselves for future transitions, for example into work, college or university.

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to identify elements in their transition into secondary school.

Students will be able to describe how some or all of those elements can also be identified in future transitions, for example, into work.


Suitable for average and above average ability students. Could be adapted for less able students.


Access to selected Jed job titles with a video clip and set of pictures. Associated student resource sheet.

The associated document/worksheet for this activity can be downloaded as a PDF file.


Ask students to think about one of the first differences they noticed when moving from primary to secondary school. Discuss the difference with a partner for two minutes. Three ideas are then contributed to the whole class


Use Jed to look up the details of a job title that includes a video clip. Watch the video and look at the set of pictures and captions.

Complete the first column on your resource sheet. Working with a partner, think about your move from primary school to your current school and complete the second column. You can then identify the similarities and differences between the columns and reflect on the question at the foot of the page.


Students to contribute more similarities from the worksheet they have completed.

Extension activity

Students can identify learning opportunities in school that would help them develop the skills and abilities to make the transition into work easier, e.g. work experience, action planning and reviewing progress.