To enable students to make choices within a vocational training programme.
When starting training or college, many students need help in deciding which options to take. Looking at, and sorting, pictures can be an easy way of making some initial decisions.
Students make an effective choice of the options available to them.
This activity is particularly appropriate for students with learning difficulties and disabilities.
Print out a selection of pictures from Jed that represent the range of options available. Try to select pictures that are typical of the options that a student will have. Pictures should be printed in as high a quality as possible, preferably in colour, and could be laminated so that they can be used over and over again.
Make sure the students know exactly what options are available to them and show them the pictures you have prepared that illustrate the options.
Sort the pictures provided into three sets:-
Like - these are activities that you can see yourself doing.
Not sure - these are activities that you are not sure about.
Don't like - these are activities that you cannot see yourself doing.
Discuss the 'Not sure' selection to finalise your decision about each one, and then talk through why you chose the cards you did for the 'Like' section. You, your adviser or teacher can record the details for future reference.
Discussion about what the student is looking forward to in their choice.
This same process could be used for any of the choices that a student may have to make during a course, especially those with learning difficulties and disabilities.
Please note that the text and pictures in Jed are subject to copyright. Your Jed licence agreement gives you a limited licence to copy some parts of Jed for use in your establishment. Please familiarise yourself with the full terms and conditions of the licence agreement before you start.