Creating your own worksheets to investigate work


To enable staff to create a variety of student resources based on the information in Jed.


The text in Jed covers over 800 different jobs and is a comprehensive resource of information about occupations. Rather than simply allowing students to browse the material it is sometimes useful to provide a structured activity to enable the students to find specific information. This could relate to their own career ideas or could be related to a topic being studied.


Staff with basic ICT skills can develop these resources.


Jed, any standard word processing/DTP program that is familiar, and a printer.

  1. Run Jed and open a job record that you want the students to investigate, e.g. children's nurse.
  2. Display the Job description page, highlight the text and using Copy on the Edit menu, copy it to the clipboard.
  3. Now minimise Jed, and open your word processing or DTP package, create a new file and paste the text in.
  4. The text can then be altered to create an exercise for students, as in the example in the pdf download.

NOTE that you can now easily copy the pictures onto worksheets as well, by using a right mouse-click on a picture and using the Copy item on the menu displayed.

Extension activity

Using this technique, any number of resources can be produced, some of which may be grouped according to a particular theme e.g. work with children, professional careers in the construction industry or careers using Geography.

Using Jed's pictures and text

Please note that the text and pictures in Jed are subject to copyright. Your Jed licence agreement gives you a limited licence to copy some parts of Jed for use in your establishment. Please familiarise yourself with the full terms and conditions of the licence agreement before you start.