Key skills in work


To enable students to assess themselves and see how workers use key skills in a range of jobs.


Many students do not appreciate the link between the skills they are developing in the school/college curriculum and the world of work. The video clips in Jed can be used to illustrate how people use their skills in the workplace.

Learning outcomes

Students are able to identify key skills being used in the workplace and have an opportunity to assess their own level of competence and identify the evidence required to back this up.


Any group of students, the number complexity of the skills being identified dependent on the group's ability.


Jed and copies of student worksheet below.

The associated document/worksheet for this activity can be downloaded as a pdf file.


List the key skills and leave the list visible throughout the lesson.


Select a job title in Jed that has a video clip included in the information. Watch the clip and use the worksheet provided to list the activities that are being done by the worker that use key skills.


Take one of the key skills and discuss ways in which students could improve their level of competence in that skill.

Extension activity

As an extension to the exercise students could be asked to identify to what extent they are competent at the skill and what evidence they have for their level of competence. They could also consider what they take part in out of school that helps them develop a range of key skills.