Picture matching


To illustrate aspects of the world of work.


Several aspects of work are common to a lot of different jobs. Grouping pictures and matching pictures with job titles can be used to illustrate these common aspects. Sets of pictures can be printed out from Jed, without the caption, noting the job title.

Learning outcomes

Students will improve their knowledge of the world of work and be able to identify different job titles from pictures.


This idea can be adapted for any age/ability group with appropriate content.


Jed, a printer (preferably colour), student question/answer sheet. The resource could be laminated and used many times.

The associated document/worksheet for this activity can be downloaded as a pdf file.


Show a picture of someone in work to the class. Ask them to identify the job title and then list the clues they used to get to their answer.


Study each picture carefully to decide the job title. Look up the job title in Jed. Once you have found the picture, write the caption underneath. What do each of the people do in their jobs?


List ten questions that you could ask someone that would help you find out what their job is called.

Extension activity

As Jed has a database of well over 3,000 pictures; sets of pictures to illustrate all aspects of work can be assembled. These could include, using hand tools, jobs involving a particular school subject, jobs involving shift work

Using Jed's pictures and text

Please note that the text and pictures in Jed are subject to copyright. Your Jed licence agreement gives you a limited licence to copy some parts of Jed for use in your establishment. Please familiarise yourself with the full terms and conditions of the licence agreement before you start.