School and the world of work


To enable students to see the link between the activities that they take part in at school and the activities that people do as part of their work.


Students often do not see the relationship between school work and the world of employment. They can see that school subjects are learnt to enable them to gain qualifications but may not see the connection between activities in the world of work and their lessons.

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to list some of the things they do in school and how they relate to employment.

Students will be able to list the activities they are good at/enjoy and link these to employment.


Average and below average ability students.


Jed and the student instruction/answer sheet below.

The associated document/worksheet for this activity can be downloaded as a pdf file.


Question and answer session around work related activities and situations that students have done in school, e.g. in which lessons do they work in a group, work outside, read or use a computer.


The resource asks the students to consider a range of different activities that they might have done during a school week then relate these activities to different jobs in Jed.


Groups of students take one school subject each and list the activities they do that help develop important work-related skills. They then try to rank the activities in order of importance.

Extension activity

The range of jobs can be extended or reduced depending on the ability of the group and the list of activities extended or reduced to make the activity easier or more complex. An alternative would be to take one school-based activity and generate a list of jobs that involve that activity. Students can then look up the job titles in Jed and look for/printout evidence of that activity in the job.