Skills in work (1)


To illustrate the wide range of skills that are used in the workplace.


Even the most straightforward of jobs can involve using a wide range of skills. Young people may need some help in identifying the skills involved in a job.

Learning outcomes

Students will recognise that all jobs involve a range of skills that can be learnt and developed. Some of these are personal skills, others are work tasks.


Year 7 to Year 11 students


Access to the video clips in Jed.


Students list the skills that they think a retail jeweller has. They add to the list after watching the video clip.

After watching the video clip, the list is likely to include 'good with your hands', 'customer care', 'handling money', 'attention to detail', 'artistic', 'trustworthy', 'patience'. Students may wish to break these down further into much more specific skills.


In pairs students watch two different video clips of jobs at different levels. They list the skills identified in the video clip. Groups of four can then compare their notes and see what is common between the jobs they have looked at.


Students could then write an advert for that job, specifying what they would be looking for.

Extension activity

Draw up a list of the personal skills and qualities needed to be a successful student.