What is the most valued work?


To assist students in understanding the value that different people put on work of different types.


People develop attitudes to different types of work These attitudes can influence the choices that students make about learning, training and work.

Learning outcomes

Students will recognise that different people place a different value on different jobs.

Jobs can be valued not only in terms of monetary reward, but also in terms of status and contribution to society.


Any group of students, the number and range of images being determined by their age and/or ability.


A selection of six photographs from Jed showing easily identifiable different jobs.

The associated document/worksheet for this activity can be downloaded as a pdf file.


Ask the question - What is the most important job in school? A variety of answers will indicate the value that pupils may give to different work roles. Also see if they can identify who is the lowest and highest paid.


Students review a selection of photographs of different jobs and decide what the job title is in each photograph. The photographs are then put in order according to each of these four criteria, the answers being recorded on the activity sheet provided.

  • How much you think the workers are paid. (1 = highest paid)
  • Next re-arrange the photographs according to how long you think the people train before starting their job. (1 = longest training)
  • Then put the photographs in order to show how important you think the jobs are. (1 = most important)
  • Finally put the jobs in order to show which you would like to do. (1 = most like)

Students can then use their answers to discuss how different people value work differently.


Students reflect on how their own choice of work could be influenced by their views of how valuable it is. Is this fair?

Extension activity

How would other groups of people, e.g. adults, place a different value on some work roles?

Using Jed's pictures and text

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