Who am I?


To enable students to identify the activities involved in a job.


Many students do not understand that there is a wide variety of activities that take place in a job that may not necessarily be identified in the job title. An increased understanding of work activities can enable students to make more effective choices.

Learning outcomes

Students can describe some of the activities involved in a number of jobs.


Less able students.


Access to Jed and the student activity sheet below.

The associated document/worksheet for this activity can be downloaded as a pdf file.


Initial discussion about what, for example, a bus driver, does. Try to ensure that more than the obvious is described e.g. learning the routes, collecting fares, checking the bus is safe to drive before taking it out, counting up the money at the end of the day.


Use the clues for each job, to guess the job title. Then look up the job in Jed to find out more about it.


Review some of the activities involved in the jobs that seemed to be surprising. Stress the idea that good information, and lots of it, can mean that there will be no surprises for students when they decide what job to go for.

Extension activity

The resource sheet could include symbols to illustrate the statements for those students who need it. The activity can be extended to include jobs in the same sector or jobs that may at first seem quite different but do feature a common activity. If marks were allocated to each statement students could start with a score and lose a mark for each statement they used to get to the job title.