World of work


To enable students to think about where different jobs take place.


This activity provides an enjoyable introduction into groups of jobs.

Learning outcomes

All sorts of people do all sorts of jobs in all sorts of places.


Average and below average ability students.


First Jed's World of Work Map poster.

Jed, and a printer.

Make a number of cards containing job titles from Jed. If you are playing with a single poster, then you will need 23 cards, one from each job group. If you are playing with teams, then you will need 23 x the number of teams.


Explain that people work in different places, and that jobs can be grouped according to various criteria.


Pick up a job card and read out the job. The students decide which job group they think it belongs to. If they are correct, they can use the job card to cover that job group on the map. The aim is to cover all 23 job groups.

To make the game easier, choose jobs which directly relate to the pictures on the map - e.g. hairdresser for personal & other services (the salon), train driver for transport & logistics (the railway station).


Discuss why some jobs might fit into more than one category.

Extension activity

The students can use Jed to look at more information for the job titles in the game.

Students can pick one of the jobs, then use Jed to find out more about other jobs in the same group.

Using Jed's pictures and text

Please note that the text and pictures in Jed are subject to copyright. Your Jed licence agreement gives you a limited licence to copy some parts of Jed for use in your establishment. Please familiarise yourself with the full terms and conditions of the licence agreement before you start.