Career search


To provide a framework for career research linked to local opportunities and self awareness.


Without a framework, researching a career can simply be a browsing experience without purpose or focus. This activity provides a framework and enable the student to record appropriate information and relate that to themselves and the local range of opportunities.

Learning outcomes

Students can describe the local routes available to them for their career choice.

Students can describe to others where to find information.


Y9 to Y11 students, post-16 foundation and intermediate level students.


Jed and a copy of the career search leaflet.

The following files contain two sides that should be printed back to back and folded to create an A5 size leaflet.

If you do wish to amend the document, you will need this file which you will be able to open in Microsoft Word.

If you do not want to edit the document please download the pdf version.


Students contribute to a list of things they would want to know about a career before pursuing it.


Choose a job title in Jed and use the information to complete the appropriate sections of the record sheet. Use the results from your self-assessment work to complete the middle pages and use the resources in the Connexions/careers library to complete the back page.


Students can identify other sources of help in finding out information.

Extension activity

Users may wish to amend the associated leaflet to reflect local sources of information and self-assessment work.

Thanks to Grangefield School, Stockton-on-Tees, for forwarding the above idea. If you have something that you feel colleagues in other schools would find useful, please contact C+K.